
October 11, 2021

Success Stories with ATC (No.6)

Best Online Tutoring

Thank you to Erin for reaching out to us to talk about your success stories with Australian Tutoring Company.

Last year, Erin reached out with a mission. She wants to ace her maths bridging at university and she has not done any maths since year 10. She was falling behind in her university courses and was feeling very overwhelmed because maths is her weakest subject.

We paired up Erin and one of our great tutors! Collaboratively, they had 2 lessons per week online and they went over Erin’s university work. Slowly and patiently, our tutor demonstrated to Erin all the methods Erin could use to solve a problem. With care and a passion for maths, Erin was inspired by our tutor to study hard in her spare time and do not give up easily.

When finals came around the corner at the end of the semester, Erin sat her maths tests which determined if she could continue with her degree. As expected, Erin passed all her tests with a Distinction average for her maths courses. Before she had lessons with us, she was averaging on the verge of failing.

The key takeaway is that you’re never too old to learn anything or to ask anyone for help. Life is a learning process and with the right guidance and time, there’s nothing you won’t be able to learn.

Thank you, Erin, for putting your trust in us. If you’re in Erin’s shoes, it’s never too late to make some proactive changes to your learning. To contact us, please email or call us at (02) 9247 0835. Or you can also direct message us on Facebook.

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