Comparing Australian Tutoring Company with other tutoring companies
Disclaimer: This comparison is not applicable to all tutoring companies. It is a generalisation of a selected few with similar services to us.
As we strive to provide our clients with the best tutoring services, we would often compare ourselves with our competitors to ensure that we provide better services and more reasonable prices. After weeks of investigation by our management team, here is what we believe do better than our competitors.
- ATC: in-home, online and on premises tutoring.
- Competitors: one or two of the above options.
- ATC: discounts for parents who book in more than one hour of tutoring per week.
- Competitors: set hourly rate.
- ATC: all our tutors have a valid WWCC, are high achievers (evidence of official HSC results or university transcript required) and can teach effectively.
- Competitors: tutors may have a WWCC and hires any applicant without checking for qualifications.
- ATC: one page of terms and conditions disclosed to parents before signing up.
- Competitors: hidden charges and lack of disclosure of terms.
- ATC: book in, cancel, reschedule lessons with 24hr notice. Students and parents can choose the lesson day and time.
- Competitors: set time and date.
Want more information or to book in a free consultation with our managers about your child’s learning needs? Email us at or check out our website at or call us at (02) 8592 8558.